New Jersey Listings
- Located on heavily trafficked Rt. 130 and Rt. 206 with access in both directions on each highway
- Potential uses including supermarkets, convenience store with gas, car dealership, restaurant (with liquor) and a catering hall, hotel
- Easy access to NJ Turnpike, Rt. 295, and I-95
- Block: 57; Lot 12.01; Taxes: $129,536; Zoning: Highway Commercial; Maximum Impervious Coverage; 75%; Maximum Height: 30’
- Building size: 17,767 sq. ft; Acreage: 3.28; Frontage: 228’ on Rt 130; Pylon and building signage, existing curb cuts on both highways
- Public water, public sewer, utilities at site, 86 parking spaces
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